About us

Who we are

Welcome to CARUNA
( Civil services Associations Reach to sUpport in Natural disAsters).

  • CARUNA Platform is an initiative all Civil Services of the Associations.

    The acronym CARUNA stands for CIVIL SERVICES ASSOCIATIONS REACH TO SUPPORT IN NATURAL DISASTERS, and represents a collaborative platform, on which civil servants, industry leaders, iNGO professionals, IT Professionals etc have come together to contribute their time and ability.

    This network harnesses the collective abilities of this versatile group, to support:

    1) Decision Makers by providing IT, HR & coordination support to enhance their outreach
    2) Frontline Functionaries in reaching out to the last mile..

    Inspired by the immortal call of Swami Vivekananda -उतिष्ठत। जाग्रत। प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत। Arise. Awake. And stop not till the goal is reached... and the modest spirit of ‘support, and supplement’, the platform was built to mimic a virtual control center, on a software platform suite comprising SLACK-TRELLO-ZOOM. This enables the volunteer members to work from different locations in the present ‘Work from Home’ environment, and take over different tasks/channels of support.

    So far 18 central and state associations representing IAS, IPS, IFoS, IFS, IRS (IT), IRS (C&E), IRPS, IRAS, ICAS, IP&TAFS, IRTS, IPOS, IA&AS, IDES, ICAS, IDAS, etc and more than 150 and growing.... volunteers are actively engaged in providing this support. More associations, state level entities and volunteers are joining this platform by the day.

    The CARUNA platform has already created a 10 day Action Plan for operationalisation of support to both Governments and field level functionaries on the integrated platform and created themes (called threads on Slack) on capacity building/training support to healthcare workers etc, database collation of health equipment manufacturers etc, mitigation of migration related issues & temporary shelters, working on food security related issues etc with specific responsibilities being assumed by dedicated teams of members. In every instance, the activity is aimed solely at augmenting the outreach of the government agencies/officials. This pool of volunteer members is also available to Government for being deployed under their instructions.